About This Site – An Introduction

Travel And All… This site is not a Travel Guide, or a How To Guide, or a Ten Best Guide, although you may find some of those aspects interwoven within these posts and pages. This blog is essentially about us living our lives while travelling, slowly and deliberately, savoring each moment as it passes.

Some background to this site… We used to publish our blog on a different blogging platform but found that it was just too limiting for what we wanted to do, hence the reason we are now in the process of migrating all those posts to our own web site here at travelandall.

So here’s the deal. As from Friday, 9 September 2016, all new posts will be published directly on this web site. In the background we will be migrating all the posts, in sequence from old to new, on an on-going basis until the old and the new meet up to form the whole. If you are new to this blog it will give you a chance to keep up with our current travels but also to systematically catch up on how we got to be here.

Please bear with us while we go through this tedious but exciting process. You can follow our progress in the sidebar on the right under “Blog Migration Status“.

We really do hope to see you all back here soon… and hopefully regularly!

If you like the site, please bookmark it and check back regularly for updates, there will be a new post at least every Friday. Even better, if bookmarking is not your thing, please sign up with your email address in the space provided on the right and we will send you an email whenever a new post is published.

Oh, and please don’t forget to share a post with friends, family, foes and other good people if you liked one by using the Facebook/Twitter/Email buttons provided at the bottom of each post.

Have a great day!



4 thoughts on “About This Site – An Introduction

  1. chonthicha

    Hello teacher I’m chonthicha sonsree matayom 2/6 I’m from Amata wittaya school Thankyou very much
    Thank you for coming to educate us. I love you I will miss you I intend to learn english . Hopefully we will meet again. I do not remember as i have short hair and wearing glasses. Thank you !!! I love you

    1. Admin

      Hi Chonthicha, of course I remember you and thank you for your wonderful words, it is really much appreciated. I am sure we will meet up again sometime and keep up the good work learning English. I miss you and everybody very much. Adriana.


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