Monthly Archives: October 2016

The relaxed atmosphere in Chiang Rai made us extend our stay by a few weeks

Sunset on the Kok River

Sunset on the Kok River

Friday, 21 October 2016 to Thursday, 27 October 2016
We gave the yoga instructor some grief this morning, Adri wanted a 45 minute session, I was happy with a 30 minute one, sending the teacher into a tailspin, she had no idea how to handle this conflict of interest. Fortunately she was confined to my Ipad so I naturally won this particular battle… this particular one only… Continue reading

Thailand, a country and its people in mourning for its King Bhumibol

King Bhumibol

King Bhumibol

Friday, 14 October 2016 to Thursday, 20 October 2016
We woke up Friday morning with Thailand in mourning. I think the shock of King Bhumibol’s passing yesterday afternoon has only now set in. King Bhumibol was a most revered leader that led his country for 70 years. The Thai people are understandably extremely sad as he was a father figure to all; he was the only King most people have ever known, so it is really as if a family member, and much more, had passed away. Continue reading

During our last week in Pai we experienced Paris in Pai, or was it Pairis?

Lod Cave

Lod Cave

Friday, 7 October 2016 to Thursday, 13 October 2016
Supper Friday night was had at The Blue Ox restaurant where they have the Oktoberfest celebrations and where we had a great meal a week ago. Tonight though there was no German folk music, no beer on tap, seemed like the Oktoberfest was all fested out. There was though a three piece local Pai band that was playing farang music. The one guy was on guitar and lead vocals, one was on bass and backing vocals and an oldish hermit type of a chap on percussion, and he was not vocal at all. Continue reading

In love with Pai… Pai in love

Coffee In Love from Pai In Love

Coffee In Love from Pai In Love

Friday, 30 September 2016 to Thursday, 6 October 2016
Today my flu was much better than earlier in the week but I was still feeling a bit woozy. I bemoaned my wooziness to Adri who responded with a “Be patient, Rome wasn’t built in a day”. And that was supposed to make me feel better? “Yea I know, but I also don’t want to feel like this for a thousand years” I heard myself mumble. Adri thought it was mildly amusing, I was still beyond thought. Continue reading