Monthly Archives: February 2017

Getting to know Budva and taking a trip to the stunning Bay of Kotor

Bay of Kotor

Bay of Kotor

Friday, 17 February 2017 to Thursday, 23 February 2017
We woke up groggily this morning after yesterday’s 12 hour bus journey from Belgrade; we were still in recovery mode. The weather was a cool but balmy 15°C, a welcome change from the negatives in Belgrade.

Our new apartment is wonderful and has everything to make our lives very comfortable, even a large balkoni (balcony) with a view over Continue reading

Saying goodbye to Belgrade and travelling to Budva by bus



Friday, 10 February 2017 to Thursday, 16 February 2017
Adri went downstairs and up the road to get us a burek for breakfast, the long thin type. I prefer the long thin pastry variety to the flat round one; the latter can be rather oily, too oily for my liking and health, but of course it is delicious. Adri brought home a beef as well as a feta-like cheese burek, both were amazing. Continue reading

We were not expecting to be escorted off a NATO bombing site… but we were!

Saint Mark’s Church, view from Tasmajdan Park

Saint Mark’s Church, view from Tasmajdan Park

Friday, 3 February 2017 to Thursday, 9 February 2017
Today was the first day we dared leave the windows open for a prolonged period of time; it was +11°C outside and forecasted to go up to +16°C, it was beautiful outside. Wow! Belgrade is truly a wonderful city in winter; I can just imagine how beautiful it must be in summer when the multitude trees carry their green mantle with pride and dignity. Maybe, just maybe, we will come back to witness that sometime. Continue reading

We went to see Swan Lake… and then we saw it again, for real

Belgrade Fortress

Belgrade Fortress

Friday, 27 January 2017 to Thursday, 2 February 2017
I was ready for my early morning news fix but the wifi wasn’t. That circle just kept spinning around and around and around… There was no way to contact Miha from the apartment without wifi, so we would have to visit a coffee shop with wifi to accomplish this. I then noticed that Adri’s phone – with its Thailand AIS sim still in place – made a perfect connection to the local Serbian network. I sent Miha Continue reading