Monthly Archives: July 2017

Lyon is revealing itself to us slowly but surely, and we’re loving it!

Saone River

Saone River

Friday, 21 July 2017 to Thursday, 27 July 2017
We went shopping for a weapon of mozzie mass destruction… Adri was not winning this battle on her own, and I’m too timid to join in the fight. Last week we did buy and try those spiral thingies that sits atop this pathetic little aluminium throne and burns only at its own behest, in the process giving off a foul smell. I suspect it works better outside the home but there’s no specific rule to that. Continue reading

Celebrating Bastille Day in Marseille, moving home to Lyon, and doing the Tour de France… all in a week’s work

Lyon - The River Rhone

Lyon – The River Rhone

Friday, 14 July 2017 to Thursday, 20 July 2017
Today was Bastille day, or the National day of France, with major celebrations across the country. The Bastille Day fireworks celebration in Marseille was blown away by a substantial and sustained wind that blew all day and all night. So we were going to miss watching more than 10,000 rockets exploding over the Old Port on the Mediterranean Sea due to this wind, what a pity! Continue reading

Our last week in Marseille we spent time on the beach, with Maladie and with Orange

Vieux Port

Vieux Port

Friday, 7 July 2017 to Thursday, 13 July 2017
Since my blowout a few weeks back I’ve been searching for new plakkas (sandals) but none of the plentiful pairs that I’ve tried on speaks to me, there’s not even a whisper. So this morning we walked up to the Topy shoe repair shop to see whether my dearly departed could be resurrected. After a prod here and a stretch there the prognosis was positive, they could do something for it. “Combien?” (How much?), I innocently Continue reading

One last road trip to the Luberon before returning our Panda to its rightful owner

Luberon lavender field

Luberon lavender field

Friday, 30 June 2017 to Thursday, 6 July 2017
Today was as perfect as a day could be… But I digress way too early… It was our last planned full one-day road trip before we had to return our car to its rightful owner on Monday. The weather was a pleasant 25°C as we headed north out of Marseille, and so it would remain for the rest of the day, very comfortable. Continue reading