Monthly Archives: February 2018

South Africa – Finally – The Times They Are A-Changin’, with a touch of Neil Young thrown in for good measure



Tuesday, 13 February 2018 to Monday, 19 February 2017
Bob Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changin’ came to mind as I watched the political drama unfold in South Africa during the next few days as they got rid of Zuma who called himself president for the last 10 or so years. Finally hope returned to a country that promises so much.

The changing times have been a long time coming, but was never guaranteed. Continue reading

Applying for residency renewal in France… and more admin, and more…

Brittany, Binic

Brittany, Binic

Wednesday, 7 February 2018 to Monday, 12 February 2017
Now you may be wondering why we find ourselves back in France, and more specifically, why in the midst of winter. And I can understand your concern; I would also have questioned such insanity. But, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. You may recall that we were issued with our French visas – while we were in Bangkok – which were valid from mid March 2017 for one year.

On our arrival in France at the time we went through the Continue reading

Waking up in beautiful Brittany, in the amazing Côtes-d’Armor



Saturday, 3 February 2018 to Tuesday, 6 February 2018
It was Saturday morning and we were woken up by a loud TV bombarding of news directed at us in an “un-understandable” language; it wasn’t English, it wasn’t Afrikaans, which of course should not have been surprising. What was surprising though was that I did not request this TV news broadcast. Was the landlord above an early riser, I wondered as I checked the time… 03:30! Continue reading

Leaving my country of birth for the country of my ancestors… once again

Guingamp (Brittany, France)

Guingamp (Brittany, France)

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 to Friday 2 February 2018
It was time to say goodbye… once again. “Nooooo, not agaaain!” I thought as I travelled north on the N1 highway from Johannesburg to Pretoria for a final few farewells.

But how did it come to this? In June 2015 when we left South Africa on a yearlong sabbatical it was going to be just that, a year long absence from SA. We ended up staying in Thailand for 18 months, then moved on to Serbia and Montenegro and finally on to France, the country of my ancestors. Continue reading