Monthly Archives: December 2018

Cape Town’s Day Zero arrived in Aspra; I nearly went coucou



Sunday – 8 July 2018 to Tuesday 16 July 2018
You may recall from my previous post the dilemma I had experienced with the bad driving habits of the Sicilians… Well today, a week later, being Sunday and all, my faith and nerve reserve was sufficiently replenished to attempt a drive to Cefalu, some 60km east along the coast from Aspra. It was a gloriously sunny day, the town was packed, the beach was packed; we hit that beach with a vengeance. Continue reading

Arriving in notorious Sicily scared the crap out of me…

Francigena pilgram

Francigena pilgram

Sunday – 1 July 2018 to Saturday 7 July 2018
Sunday morning at 10:00, or last that was the plan, we tore ourselves way from Ponzano Superiore for our journey to Sicily. As we were packing our lives into the boot of our Clio a pilgrim came walking past and stopped right there to have a rest and some sustenance in the form of cold water from the village fountain. Continue reading