Author Archives: Admin

A road trip takes us through eight countries in five days to the beautiful island of Corfu

Arriving in Corfu Town
Arriving in Corfu Town

Sunday – 5 May to Thursday, 9 May 2019
I know, I know, it’s been a while since I last blogged and a lot has happened since then, but a man’s been busy and all (read lazy). So, this post serves as a quick catchup as to where we have been since we visited Sicily in July last year (last post) and also covers our latest road trip from France to Greece where we now find ourselves. Posts colouring the time in between will follow in due course, be sure to check them out when they become available, we had seen some wonderful places, had great experiences and met some amazing people along that way.

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How to do the Côte d’Azur, or French Riviera, in two days

St. Tropez

St. Tropez

Friday, 23 June 2017 to Thursday, 29 June 2017
After missing a few items during our first round of grocery shopping at Carrefour I was sent to collect the rest from our Casino Supermarket located directly below us… very convenient. Without Adri breathing down my neck and back to hurry up at the liquor location I had time to marvel, imagine and fantasize. Continue reading

And yes, there is gin on Koh Samui, and tonic too

img_1687Friday (3 July 2015)
Had a great sleep, woke up at 08H30 and after our normal morning ritual, we had a breakfast of note which consisted of eggs, cheese, tomato, fried onions, Kalamata olives and toast.

I decided that I needed to put in more hours in order to get the blog as current as possible. The process I have been following thus far is as follows. Continue reading