Category Archives: Italy

Cape Town’s Day Zero arrived in Aspra; I nearly went coucou



Sunday – 8 July 2018 to Tuesday 16 July 2018
You may recall from my previous post the dilemma I had experienced with the bad driving habits of the Sicilians… Well today, a week later, being Sunday and all, my faith and nerve reserve was sufficiently replenished to attempt a drive to Cefalu, some 60km east along the coast from Aspra. It was a gloriously sunny day, the town was packed, the beach was packed; we hit that beach with a vengeance. Continue reading

Arriving in notorious Sicily scared the crap out of me…

Francigena pilgram

Francigena pilgram

Sunday – 1 July 2018 to Saturday 7 July 2018
Sunday morning at 10:00, or last that was the plan, we tore ourselves way from Ponzano Superiore for our journey to Sicily. As we were packing our lives into the boot of our Clio a pilgrim came walking past and stopped right there to have a rest and some sustenance in the form of cold water from the village fountain. Continue reading

Poppa Joe came to town and I was plakka happy



Friday – 15 June 2018 to Sunday, 30 June 2018
The last two weeks of our stay in Ponzano Superiore would prove to be as wonderful as the first two, as per the post titled Living in a medieval Italian hilltop village is as idyllic as it sounds. We went about our lives as if we had always lived here.

Friday evening I was sipping the remnants of my birra Moretti while watching the remains of the day out on the terrace, I stared into the nothingness in front of me. There was no sound around other than the distant bark of a valley dog or the occasional braying of a far-off donkey somewhere. Continue reading

Living in a medieval Italian hilltop village is as idyllic as it sounds

Ponzano Superiore

Ponzano Superiore

Friday – 1 June 2018 to Friday, 15 June 2018
We left Sormano near Lake Como – which was home to us during the last two weeks of May (blog post to follow soon) – early in the morning and had a relatively stress-free drive with a lovely picnic lunch – with blanket and all – under the shade of an old tree at a rest station on the way. Ah, what bliss! But of course we could not linger too long; we still had some way to go to reach Ponzano Superiore, our new abode for the month of June. Continue reading

How to do the Via Francigena… or how not to, depending on your politics

The start of the 24th leg of the Via Francigena

The start of the 24th leg of the Via Francigena

Tuesday – 26 June 2018
If you were wondering about the name “Via Francigena”, I have to admit that even a few weeks back I had no inkling that it even existed. But let me explain…

When we moved into our apartment in Ponzano Superiore at the beginning of June we noticed a sign in the centre of the village that read “Via Francigena”. We started reading up about it and found that Continue reading

How to do the Cinque Terre… or how not to… depending on your politics

Leonard Cohen - The Best Of - Front Cover

Leonard Cohen – The Best Of – Front Cover

Tuesday – 19 June 2018
If you were wondering about the term used in the title – depending on your politics – please note that it has nothing whatsoever to do with politics… but let me explain. On December 31, 1974, Leonard Cohen (bless his soul) released an album, those days on vinyl, titled The Best Of.

On the back cover he gave a succinct background description to each song which I always found rather fascinating to read. Yes, I read it multiple times. He also gave an explanation of the album cover where he Continue reading

Road trip (Week 4) – From Croatia back to Slovenia and on to Italy, the cherry on the top of the trip

Bled island or Blejski Otok on Lake Bled

Bled island or Blejski Otok on Lake Bled

Friday, 6 October 2017 to Thursday, 12 October 2017
Friday morning we woke up to one of the best views imaginable over Kvarner Gulf in Istria, Croatia, even though the weather was not wholly agreeable. We stumbled downstairs for breakfast which was, unlike the weather, very agreeable; actually, it was rather amazing. It was the first time we had a choice of bacon on this trip… it had to be amazing, right?

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