Category Archives: Montenegro

Spending time with friends in Montenegro only adds to its charm

Ostrog Monastery

Ostrog Monastery

Friday, 10 March 2017 to Thursday, 16 March 2017
Today the wind was at it again and we were mostly inside all day. I say we but I actually mean me. Adri, brave soul that she is, went shopping through howls of laughter from the wind as she stepped outside. She was on her way for a spot of window shopping while I was supposed to get a spot of work done… it did not go well; I continuously got sidetracked by reading and relaxing… and then some. Continue reading

Having a beer in a bar in Bar

Petrovac - Castello

View from Petrovac – Castello

Friday, 3 March 2017 to Thursday, 9 March 2017
After deciding yesterday to cancel our aspirations of going to Herceg Novi we slept late, in essence wasting one of our few blue-sky days. After a late breakfast Adri went to town and I was hoping she would not do the same with the shopping. We agreed to meet up at the marina, just outside the old town at 16:30. At 16:15 I took a brisk walk down to the marina arriving a few minutes late. We sat on a bench watching life go by and perving at the mega luxury yachts moored Continue reading

Sveti Stefan is much more agreeable than its name sounds and suggests

Sveti Stefan

Sveti Stefan

Friday, 24 February 2017 to Thursday, 2 March 2017
For breakfast Adri bought us one of those rolled up mushy turd-looking beef bureks which was great notwithstanding its appearance. The supposed chocolate pastry was not great; it was more like a bread roll with a tiny sliver of chocolate playing hide and seek amongst its innards. Not very appetizing, next time we’ll leave this model to finish its process of decay in the bakery’s display cabinet. Continue reading

Getting to know Budva and taking a trip to the stunning Bay of Kotor

Bay of Kotor

Bay of Kotor

Friday, 17 February 2017 to Thursday, 23 February 2017
We woke up groggily this morning after yesterday’s 12 hour bus journey from Belgrade; we were still in recovery mode. The weather was a cool but balmy 15°C, a welcome change from the negatives in Belgrade.

Our new apartment is wonderful and has everything to make our lives very comfortable, even a large balkoni (balcony) with a view over Continue reading