Tag Archives: Avenue de la Mediterrenèe

Visiting Marseillan Plage, not for its plage, but for its menu du jour

Marseillan Plage - Avenue de la Mediterrenèe

Marseillan Plage – Avenue de la Mediterrenèe

Friday, 26 May 2017 to Thursday, 1 June 2017
It was just before 09:00 that I started working on the blog with my trusty friend at my side to keep me awake and willing. Adri was still fast asleep, she read into the early hours of the morning so I let her be. There was to be no yoga, only a big breakfast, I needed all the sustenance I could muster for the task ahead. I blogged and I blogged and finally published at 16:30, and yup, it was time for a reward, time for a beer. Continue reading