Tag Archives: Canal du Midi

A visit to Carcassonne and its awe-inspiring castle – Cité de Carcassonne

Cité de Carcassonne up close

Cité de Carcassonne up close

Friday, 21 April 2017 to Thursday, 27 April 2017
Today we came a cropper….There’s a little place called Marseillan, about 15km from Séte, which seems really lovely so we were going to take ourselves there today, even maybe stay for supper. But carefully laid out plans do not always materialise, as we would find out, but I’m getting ahead of myself… Continue reading

Visiting beautiful Beziers and watching the locks open and close… on Canal du Midi

Canal du Midi

Canal du Midi

Friday, 31 March 2017 to Thursday, 6 April 2017
I woke up this morning, still in a slumber, when I heard a soft chiming go… damn… damn… damn… damn, it sounded like a xylophone gently being prodded by soft mallets, over and over again, on the same bar. I was not about to go searching for the musician so decided to live with it. When Adri finally came to she said something to the effect of ”Oh listen , someone’s alarm is going off”. Yea, you guessed it, it was hers! Continue reading