Tag Archives: Chapelle de la Salette

It was Good Friday, and what a good Friday it turned out to be!

View from Mont St. Clair

View from Mont St. Clair

Friday, 14 April 2017 to Thursday, 20 April 2017
This morning was Good Friday, and what a good Friday in turned out to be! We were on our way out the building for a walk when a cursory glance towards the mailbox revealed two white envelopes with our names on. Turns out it was the acknowledgement of receipt from the OFII (French Office of Immigration and Integration) in Montpellier advising that they had indeed received and processed our documentation we posted to them a while back. Truth be told, we were rather worried about this step in the process so you can imagine our sincerest relief when we found these envelopes. As Neil Armstrong would have said “A small step for mankind, a giant leap for this man and woman…”, or something like that. Continue reading