Tag Archives: Duolingo

Applying for residency renewal in France… and more admin, and more…

Brittany, Binic

Brittany, Binic

Wednesday, 7 February 2018 to Monday, 12 February 2017
Now you may be wondering why we find ourselves back in France, and more specifically, why in the midst of winter. And I can understand your concern; I would also have questioned such insanity. But, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. You may recall that we were issued with our French visas – while we were in Bangkok – which were valid from mid March 2017 for one year.

On our arrival in France at the time we went through the Continue reading

I had zipped up my boots and was finally back to my roots… and settled in Séte



Friday, 17 March 2017 to Thursday, 23 March 2017
The clock ticked… ticked… ticked… oh so slowly… past midnight, it was Friday morning and we were still camped out in the departures hall at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. After trying different positions on different chairs in different areas of the airport we found an area with reasonably soft chairs. We soon enough however found out that these chairs were built to sit on, definitely not Continue reading

Sveti Stefan is much more agreeable than its name sounds and suggests

Sveti Stefan

Sveti Stefan

Friday, 24 February 2017 to Thursday, 2 March 2017
For breakfast Adri bought us one of those rolled up mushy turd-looking beef bureks which was great notwithstanding its appearance. The supposed chocolate pastry was not great; it was more like a bread roll with a tiny sliver of chocolate playing hide and seek amongst its innards. Not very appetizing, next time we’ll leave this model to finish its process of decay in the bakery’s display cabinet. Continue reading