Tag Archives: Jobourg

Getting acquainted with Normandy and reacquainted with a friend from 30 years ago


Cabanes at Gouville-sur-Mer

Cabanes at Gouville-sur-Mer

Sunday 11 March 2018 to Saturday 17 March 2018
Sunday popped in to say hallo and we greeted her with a smile, it was wonderful to wake up in Normandy. And just then there was an unexpected knock on the door, it was the landlady and her son who wanted to try something out. Now you may remember from my previous post that we arrived Saturday afternoon to bad wifi – or we-fee as it is pronounced here in France – and the landlady seemed to suggest that I surf from the comfort of the kitchen sink – which was closest to the router in their house next door – until the bad we-fee could be resolved on Tuesday. Continue reading