Tag Archives: Lyon

Friends came to visit us in Lyon, and then we moved to Paris

Musée des Confluences Lyon

Musée des Confluences Lyon

Friday, 11 August 2017 to Thursday, 17 August  2017
As you may recall, Estee and Dries rolled into town yesterday but we decided to give them the day off to recover from their trip from SA as well as the copious amounts of beer and such that was consumed last night. Continue reading

We got into traboule, then we got into more traboules, but we eventually found a way out

Théâtre gallo-romain on Fourvière hill

Théâtre gallo-romain on Fourvière hill

Friday, 4 August 2017 to Thursday, 10 August  2017
It was mid afternoon when we took the metro to Croix Rousse for supper, but of course it was way too early for that, we had less important things to do. Lyon is the silk capital of the Europe so a stay here would not be complete without a visit to one of its silk related museums. We chose the one closet to our selected restaurant for the evening which happened to be La Maison des Canuts (House of the Lyonnais silk workers). Continue reading

We tried to beat the oppressive heat with Paix Dieu, but it only made us Delirium Tremens

Cour d'Appel de Lyon at night

Cour d’Appel de Lyon at night

Friday, 28 July 2017 to Thursday, 3 August  2017
We looked from our lounge window towards the parking area of our apartment building where a young family was busy packing their van for the holidays, which obviously starts today… and we contemplated how cool it would be to go on holiday… Hmm… Okay. Continue reading

Lyon is revealing itself to us slowly but surely, and we’re loving it!

Saone River

Saone River

Friday, 21 July 2017 to Thursday, 27 July 2017
We went shopping for a weapon of mozzie mass destruction… Adri was not winning this battle on her own, and I’m too timid to join in the fight. Last week we did buy and try those spiral thingies that sits atop this pathetic little aluminium throne and burns only at its own behest, in the process giving off a foul smell. I suspect it works better outside the home but there’s no specific rule to that. Continue reading

Celebrating Bastille Day in Marseille, moving home to Lyon, and doing the Tour de France… all in a week’s work

Lyon - The River Rhone

Lyon – The River Rhone

Friday, 14 July 2017 to Thursday, 20 July 2017
Today was Bastille day, or the National day of France, with major celebrations across the country. The Bastille Day fireworks celebration in Marseille was blown away by a substantial and sustained wind that blew all day and all night. So we were going to miss watching more than 10,000 rockets exploding over the Old Port on the Mediterranean Sea due to this wind, what a pity! Continue reading