Tag Archives: Paris

Leaving my country of birth for the country of my ancestors… once again

Guingamp (Brittany, France)

Guingamp (Brittany, France)

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 to Friday 2 February 2018
It was time to say goodbye… once again. “Nooooo, not agaaain!” I thought as I travelled north on the N1 highway from Johannesburg to Pretoria for a final few farewells.

But how did it come to this? In June 2015 when we left South Africa on a yearlong sabbatical it was going to be just that, a year long absence from SA. We ended up staying in Thailand for 18 months, then moved on to Serbia and Montenegro and finally on to France, the country of my ancestors. Continue reading

Paris continues to captivate while it oozes charm and chic

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

Friday, 18 August 2017 to Thursday, 24 August 2017
Yesterday we arrived in Paris, thoroughly tired after negotiating busses and bus stops with poor signage and metros and metro stops with poor traveller facilities such as escalators to do the heavy lifting. Above expectations, we finally did arrive at our hotel safe and sound. So, of course we slept in this morning and got up just in time to go for breakfast.

Rain was forecast for Paris today and it sure delivered on its promise. As I drew the curtains aside I was met with a gray Paris with gray clouds clouding the sky. Rain was softly falling, sometimes increasing just a tad in intensity, it was great!  Continue reading

Friends came to visit us in Lyon, and then we moved to Paris

Musée des Confluences Lyon

Musée des Confluences Lyon

Friday, 11 August 2017 to Thursday, 17 August  2017
As you may recall, Estee and Dries rolled into town yesterday but we decided to give them the day off to recover from their trip from SA as well as the copious amounts of beer and such that was consumed last night. Continue reading