Tag Archives: Sete

Our time in Sète has come to an end, but new adventures await us in Marseille!

Gorges de Tarn

Gorges de Tarn

Friday, 9 June 2017 to Thursday, 15 June 2017
Still feeling the effects of the long drive during the last two days from Sète to Sète via Cadaques I did not become fully conscious much before 10:00 this morning. Who would have thought!

We worked most of the day and it was late afternoon when we dragged our still weary bodies up the road to the copy shop. Continue reading

Visiting Marseillan Plage, not for its plage, but for its menu du jour

Marseillan Plage - Avenue de la Mediterrenèe

Marseillan Plage – Avenue de la Mediterrenèe

Friday, 26 May 2017 to Thursday, 1 June 2017
It was just before 09:00 that I started working on the blog with my trusty friend at my side to keep me awake and willing. Adri was still fast asleep, she read into the early hours of the morning so I let her be. There was to be no yoga, only a big breakfast, I needed all the sustenance I could muster for the task ahead. I blogged and I blogged and finally published at 16:30, and yup, it was time for a reward, time for a beer. Continue reading

Cap d’Agde… Yachts, yachts, yachts… Yachts everywhere!

Cap d’Agde

Cap d’Agde

Friday, 19 May 2017 to Thursday, 25 May 2017
Our travelling plans for the next few months were now slowly starting to take shape. We will be in Sète until mid June; the month thereafter will be spent in Marseille where after Lyon is lurking beyond that, where we will be until mid August.

Now many may question our reasoning for going to Marseille because, apparently, you either love or loathe it, but most people Continue reading

Sunny skies and summer arrives in Sete



Friday, 12 May 2017 to Thursday, 18 May 2017
I was watching rugby this morning when my mind wandered back to those EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) progress meetings I used to have in my office every Friday morning between 10:00 and 11:00. These meetings became known within the organisation as the roompoffertjie (cream puff or cream pie) meetings, but let me explain. Continue reading

We visited Marseillan and its Plage… and then the ice saints arrived



Friday, 5 May 2017 to Thursday, 11 May 2017
It was cold and cloudy again today… And what made it colder and darker still was the fact that I have had no feedback from MTN yet regarding the deactivation of my sim. Surprised? No! Expected? Yes! I’m not sure how this company does business. Being rather busy yesterday with our OFII process I did not follow up on the MTN query, but today was different, I had the world of time on my side. Continue reading

With the OFII process complete we now have to face the ice saints

Sete early morning

Sete early morning

Friday, 28 April 2017 to Thursday, 4 May 2017
The sun was out today, but a weak one at that. It was still a miserable 9°C outside this morning, too cold for my skin; I had to cover up with a layer or two, and that was inside. But the cold weather during the last week had been a blessing in disguise; it allowed me to Continue reading

A visit to Carcassonne and its awe-inspiring castle – Cité de Carcassonne

Cité de Carcassonne up close

Cité de Carcassonne up close

Friday, 21 April 2017 to Thursday, 27 April 2017
Today we came a cropper….There’s a little place called Marseillan, about 15km from Séte, which seems really lovely so we were going to take ourselves there today, even maybe stay for supper. But carefully laid out plans do not always materialise, as we would find out, but I’m getting ahead of myself… Continue reading

It was Good Friday, and what a good Friday it turned out to be!

View from Mont St. Clair

View from Mont St. Clair

Friday, 14 April 2017 to Thursday, 20 April 2017
This morning was Good Friday, and what a good Friday in turned out to be! We were on our way out the building for a walk when a cursory glance towards the mailbox revealed two white envelopes with our names on. Turns out it was the acknowledgement of receipt from the OFII (French Office of Immigration and Integration) in Montpellier advising that they had indeed received and processed our documentation we posted to them a while back. Truth be told, we were rather worried about this step in the process so you can imagine our sincerest relief when we found these envelopes. As Neil Armstrong would have said “A small step for mankind, a giant leap for this man and woman…”, or something like that. Continue reading

Picnic on la plage and watching la grosse enfant leave Séte

Sete Marina

Sete Marina

Friday, 7 April 2017 to Thursday, 13 April 2017
Today we read and relaxed most of the day, trying to recover our energy spent on our amazing trip to Beziers and the Canal du Midi yesterday. It was late afternoon, actually early evening, when we went for our first ever walk around the harbour area and along the breakwater all the way to the Saint Louis Lighthouse. To ones left is the marina stocked with plenty of yachts – some fancy some ordinary – and to ones right is the ocean. Continue reading

Visiting beautiful Beziers and watching the locks open and close… on Canal du Midi

Canal du Midi

Canal du Midi

Friday, 31 March 2017 to Thursday, 6 April 2017
I woke up this morning, still in a slumber, when I heard a soft chiming go… damn… damn… damn… damn, it sounded like a xylophone gently being prodded by soft mallets, over and over again, on the same bar. I was not about to go searching for the musician so decided to live with it. When Adri finally came to she said something to the effect of ”Oh listen , someone’s alarm is going off”. Yea, you guessed it, it was hers! Continue reading